Friday, July 29, 2011

देशवासीको नाममा














I know it would be hard for me to describe the on going situation of our       country. I often feel difficulty in front of those people who are especially from foreign lands. Seriously, when I see my country, besides nature’s grant, I find nothing. Water is flowing continuously but no utilization till the date. Politicians have become masters and citizens the poppet. I don’t see any unity among people. Yeah, it won’t be wrong saying we have no brains for observing far sight. I know it is hard feelings for ya all and for me too. But the truth always remains bitter and what can I do besides spitting on myself. How can a country move forward  if people belonging to it accept their fate as if only for simplifying their problems  confiding themselves in a particular world where people don’t have much time to spare for seeing how fast the outer world is moving.

All these points might point me to be an pessimist which I am not coz you can’t see my heart bleeding while writing this. hope ur heart isn’t made of stone.. Keep ur hands over ur heart and listen to its beats and there u will find what u are missing. it’s ur soil from which ur soul is made. There is no word “late” until our death. Beginning can happen at any time. Come on let’s move on and give the country what it deserved since a long time ago...

My words might not be according to what really is in my heart but Feelings are…

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