Friday, June 24, 2011

My Blog; My Diary; My world!!!


Last night I was chit-chatting with one of my college friends when a signal blinked at right side of  my computer. It indicated a message has just  arrived into my mail account. I can’t tell about the sender as she prohibited me doing so and also i can’t hurt her emotions.well, the only thing I can tell about her is she is from a beautiful country, Nepal. moreover, her story is quite similar to mine. Her mail goes like this;

I am a sensitive person and I used to think this was a special advantage that god has provided me and I also do care for others.. but my sensitiveness compelled me remain isolated from the world because I can’t express myself in front of others. I used to sit calm whenever my friends  made fun of me coz I could never win over them in words. They never said a wrong word about me and I respect them for that. But at the end of my college days I felt my only quality of sensitivity fading from me when our teacher told us that only a capable person could resist this world and suggested  us to be strong enough mentally to tackle the challenges. he told us about the world that would present obstacles and opportunities then onward.I was completely lost when he told that obstacle was only for weak and opportunities for one who withstands those obstacles. I passed my high school and joined college for my bachelor level studies. those words of my teacher were in my mind all the time and also I tried to change my nature and become a cool guy like you and others making new circle of friends. actually I could not change  myself much however I succeeded changing a little bit though. i always dreamt of a partner who listens to me even if I talked much or becoming a novel writer who could express all his/her feelings and thoughts in his/her book. both of these are somewhat a real hard task for me.

I had never written my feelings before and moreover I couldn’t have written this if I wouldn’t have been inspired. blogging came to my mind as your posted blog’s notification came in my facebook account. oh, and one thing, I liked your one status,” I may not be good at doing conversations but I am certainly best at mending relationship.”  This helped me a lot in changing myself.

first of all, thanx for everything. I am glad that you got inspirations in my words but I am just a social writer like you. All I can say is all the best for your blog.

A Tips for all: “Inspiration never stops. Beginning starts at any time. Hold on your position, keep on trying new things. This will definitely take to the cliff of success.”

As a genetic engineer I would say you, “keep on trying new things improves not only your skill but also brings more or less some suitable adaptation  genetically that  will add betterment to your coming generations.”  

clip_image002keep on smiling coz the day is yours, the life is yours……..

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