Saturday, May 7, 2011

We Seriously want apologies from “who’s not honoring me now??”

Hey Mr. Dumbass (Colbert), you think sitting on a host chair and running a program that doesn’t make any sense is making thousands of people laugh?? If you think spitting over prestige of others might make you rule over the heart of viewers, then I wana clarify you that you are fooling yourselves dude. In fact, the claps you collect aren’t for your comedy rather a repay to your ability to ruining your own prestige.
You challenged Nepalese’ norms and values asking what the living goddess (Kumari) has got and what you don’t and neglecting the most unique flag in the world. Before coming to the answer, let me describe something about your show; “Who’s not honoring me now??” Why have you chosen this title? You generally try to explain what others don’t have more precisely than what they have. I ask you a question what best qualities you have so that we need to respect you Mr. Asshole Colbert? Have you ever seen your face into a mirror? Oh dear, I forgot the images shown in above pic.
Now if you say you don’t have rights to select the title or choose the topic to discuss about and this is what producers and selection committee do, you are trying to prove you are a bear(not handsome as one above) who dance upon listening to the whistle from his master.
Let me come straight to the point, you have challenged the selection procedures highlighting the points such as “chest like a lion”, “thigh like a deer” and others. Shit man!! You figured out images of a real lion or a deer in your mind?? Sorry to say Mr. Colbert (asshole), who the fuck selected you for the show. Have they gone crazy or what? This fucking show doesn’t deserve any claps. I want to give you all production unit a tip, “go home take a night nap and the very next morning you all better go to schools with your children so that you can learn manners about respecting others.
The answer: there are vast differences between you Mr. Colbert and our living goddess, kumari. If you got a leave from your job or if they kicked you out off this job, then do visit her once. The best difference is that she readily will forgive you with her blessings despite of such insult. This is called a chest like a lion. I needn’t tell you this perhaps better ask your children.
In your show, you told we don’t know about a rectangular flag. Why u know? Coz triangular flag isn’t fit for making underwear…
I wana apologize you dumbass for my English slap on your face wasn’t hard enough in order to throw you down off your chair.
Finally an educational tip to you and rest of the world as well, “Don’t mess up with Nepalese.” We are still the one to rule over Queen Victorian Medals and moreover as we are gaining access to the modern world, if you dare slapping us on our face, then we gona repay you and my fellas it won’t be easy enough for you to forget that one.
This isn’t just my only voice rather this is the message of new unity, new bond, new Nepal...

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