Friday, December 24, 2010

You always said to me,
The final episode,
Was coming,
But never did I stop and think,
It would be happening,
So quickly,

Day after day,
The clock would say,
Tick tock,
All day,

She needed a doctor quickly,
She shot them up sadly,
Quicker and faster,
Then I'd ever,
Think of something,

So much bull@#$%! ,
So many lies,
Told to us,
In front of our eyes,

We never heard a sorry,
Just a painful way of not being happy,

Me and you,
Existed off misery,
Not being happy,
Or false feelings,
One hundred percent,

We always were scarred,
Of the possibilities we lived in fear,

When heaven was like a mirror,
Just a fake image,
That wasn't here,
When hell existed,
As we lived it wicked,
Sadly never left it,
We love it,

We played the game,
That lead to being insane,
Thinking differently,
About the life we are living,

So long sister,
The needles ruined us for so long,
Look back,
Far away from our drugs,
Like acid and heroine,
Before those,
We were ridiculous,

Always a smile,
Running around town for awhile,
Lighting things on fire,

Happy kids,
Depressed teens,
Dead adults,

The final episode,
Came quicker then ever,
Sooner then expected,
Sadder then I could think,
I knew that day,
After electric daisy,

You would quit breathing,
That was the day,
The final episode came.

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